Top 5 Benefits Of Having Hand Sanitizer Dispensers In Your Workplace

Top 5 Benefits Of Having Hand Sanitizer Dispensers In Your Workplace

Whether you are looking for control measures to prevent the transmission of covid-19 or an effective way to combat the regular flu season, automatic hand sanitizer dispensers can help minimize exposure in your workplace. Due to vaccination and easing restrictions, more and more businesses are allowing their employees to return to work. However, it also makes it crucial for you to implement public safety strategies in your workplace to ensure the safety of your employees and customers.

You must ensure that your workers feel safe and comfortable returning to the office, store, or warehouse and have access to proper sanitation facilities. Safety guidelines issued by public health authorities in Canada include practicing social distancing, frequently disinfecting your workplaces, and regular hand-washing by employees. Therefore, placing an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser in your business is highly encouraged.

With many high-touch surfaces in workplaces, the virus will spread rapidly with your staff using their hands to write a paper, being careless in shaking hands with a peer or client, opening doors, and much more. With so much exposure, chances are high for your workers to catch an illness that will affect their productivity, leading to monetary loss for your business and your employees.

This is why you must have hand sanitizer dispensers installed at your business facility, irrespective of whether your workers or customers carry their own or not. Continue reading this blog to find out some of the major benefits of having a sanitizer dispenser at your workplace.

Improved Hygiene

Hand sanitizer dispensers are the best option at providing a way for your staff to keep their hands clean at their workplace. To ensure that you prevent the risk of spread from one employee to another or a customer, touch-free or automated dispensers are a perfect solution. It will decrease the likelihood of disease-causing pathogens passing among your workers.

This will ensure a significant decline in office staff getting infected, reduce the number of sick days, and increase your company’s overall productivity and profitability.


Since the amount of sanitizer dispensed by a hand sanitizer dispenser is the same with each use, it ensures that its consumption is economical. It helps avoid waste and spillage of the sanitizer as it is sprayed directly on the user’s hand. This way, you and your employees remain aware of the spending on sanitizing facilities. A touch-free sanitizer dispenser enables you to set a fixed budget and track the cost to help you increase the profits and revenues of your business in the long run.

Durable & Easy To Maintain

Hand sanitizer dispensers that are touch-free are usually made of durable materials that last a long time compared to others. They tend to face far less physical damages due to minimal contact by the user. This makes them a long-term and cost-effective investment for your workers and business. Moreover, nowadays, automatic or no-touch dispensers are designed so that they are easy to maintain and operate.

Easily Accessible

Whether installed on a wall or a designated hand sanitizer station, hand sanitizer dispensers are a convenient way for your workers to maintain and practice hygienic control measures. These dispensers can be installed in offices, breakrooms, workspaces, store entrances, or high traffic areas. Their visible and accessible position will ensure that your staff won’t be tempted to skip regular hand washing.

While mountable hand sanitizer dispensers may seem complex, these are fairly simple to install and set up in basically any location within your work facility.

Changeable Headers

Another great advantage of using hand sanitizer dispensers is that you can replace the empty header with a full one. This means they are a one-time and cost-effective investment. This also allows you to change the type of sanitizer according to preference. Depending on the type of sanitizer you select, there are various options and even a combination of options that you can use to keep your hands clean.

These options include alcohol, alcohol-free, with or without a dye or pigment, antibacterial, fragrance, and fragrance-free. Each of these has useful and individual benefits, to keep you and your employees healthy and eliminate annoying scents from the workplace.

A touch-free or automatic hand sanitizer dispenser is a great way to keep you, your workers, and your customers safe from infectious germs. Having them installed around your work facility makes it clear to everyone that you care about your employees’ health and are committed to promoting healthy hand hygiene practices.

About macbeeners

At macbeeners, we offer an extensive product line in health safety and hygiene products to various businesses across Saskatchewan. Our hand sanitizer dispensers are easy to use and cost-effective while still maintaining quality. For more information about our products and services, get in touch with us by clicking here.

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